Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Homework Help Online - For Students Who Want to Avoid Missed Grade

Homework Help Online - For Students Who Want to Avoid Missed GradeThere are many different sources of homework help online. These days, with the advent of online video games, homework is even more important for students than it was in the past. Online software applications provide many online resources where students can take a break from the daily routine and read or study at their own pace.Parents can also take advantage of homework help when they have a time crunch. There are many online activities, which can be done online by students which allow the teacher to work more efficiently. There are also some companies that offer homework help online.Online homework help can help students keep up with their studies so that they get good grades. The online activities do not require physical study. The software applications or homework help can offer several useful resources for students to participate in school activities, such as assignments, quizzes, games, conversations, online proje cts, etc.There are many websites and applications that offer homework help online. They can help students manage their time effectively. There are websites which offer activities such as:Homework help is available for any subject which students are interested in taking up. Many websites provide free resources for students which have online tests, discussion forums, teacher resources, homework help and other sources of valuable information. Websites can also help students manage their studying time, such as allowing students to study and save their progress in flash card applications, calculators, quiz programs, etc.Students are encouraged to take the online resources with a pinch of salt. Although these resources are beneficial, students should not get too excited about what the website offers. The main responsibility of any website is to provide information and tutorials that will make life easy for students.Even though there are some online courses that offer free online learning, some websites which offer online courses require payment for the materials that they provide. Homework help online is one way of getting the best quality resources. Online learning courses do not actually give any sort of results and homework help online can help students maximize their time and study well.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Study of Bipolar Disorder Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1574 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Bipolar Disorder Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Bipolar disorder is a chronic mood disorder that affects more than 3 million Americans every year. It is characterized by jumps between major depressive episodes where the individual is pessimistic and unmotivated and episodes of mania where the individual is dangerously optimistic, easily agitated, and reluctant to take advice from others. Biological components like genealogy and neurochemistry of an individuals brain particularly dealing with the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin, psychological components dealing with the thought processes of the individual, and sociocultural components in relation to the Theory of Learned Helplessness and gender roles are all believed factors in the development of bipolar disorder. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Study of Bipolar Disorder: Its Causes, Symptoms and Treatment." essay for you Create order While bipolar disorder is serious and life altering, scientists and doctors have identified therapies like counseling and medications like antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics to control the patients mood and ensure that the depressive and manic episodes occurrences are few and far between if at all allowing the individual to live a life of normalcy. The Basics of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depressive disorder, is a mood disorder characterized by extreme swings between major depressive episodes and episodes of mania, or extreme confidence. Bipolar disorder only occurs in about 1% of the global population, and it affects men and women equally. Episodes of depression or mania alike typically strike after a steady routine of daily activities or normalcy and begin with the disruption of sleep. Bipolar disorder can be extremely detrimental and disruptive to an individuals life. Both manic and depressive episodes have no specific expiration date, and in some cases can continue on for years. The earliest findings of this particular disorder can date back as far as 1st century Greece. It was not uncommon for people to display states of mania, depression, or psychosis in which cases the doctors of that time typically deemed them possessed. It was common during that time for people to be executed for having bipolar disorder. Interestingly enough, throughout history many artists, poets, musicians, and creators were diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Some of these people include Walt Whitman, Ernest Hemingway, and the actress Margot Kidder. One of the characteristics that goes along with mania are huge outbursts of creativity. While the results of a manic episode for some can be detrimental, for artists and creators the outbursts can be almost influential. For example, after experiencing a two-year long manic episode, Robert Schumann, a German composer and music critic, once composed 51 pieces of music. Seemingly, professionals who rely on logic and precision are less susceptible to bipolar disorder than are artists, musicians, poets, etc whom rely on creativity and emotion. Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder As stated previously, the main symptom of Bipolar Disorder are the emotional alternations between depressive and manic episodes a patient can experience. Some emotional indicators of a manic episode can include grandiose optimism and unusually high self esteem. Consequentially, this can lead to reckless investments, spending sprees, and unsafe sex. Manic episodes can be noted by eraddic or overly optimistic behavior. The individual will become over talkative, overactive, consistently elated, but easily irritated if annoyed; there is little need for sleep, and there are fewer sexual inhibitions. Speech can be noted as loud, flighty, and hard to interrupt. Additionally, they will reject advice even though they are a danger to his or herself. Once a manic episode ends, the individual can typically crash falling into a place of severe depression. Essentially, a person with bipolar disorder cannot find their emotional middle ground. When in a depressive episode, subjects will become unmotivated or inactive. They will adopt a pessimistic view on life becoming especially sensitive to negative outcomes, expect negative outcomes, and are more likely to recall negative information. Depressive episodes have no time limit, but typically will self-terminate being replaced by a period of mania. Bipolar patients suffer through a vicious cycle of mania to depression to mania again, but can be regulated with mood stabilizers. Another indicator of bipolar disorder found in an article posted by the American Journal of Psychology, was that cognitive function in patients with bipolar disorder was significantly reduced when compared to normally functioning subjects. It was found that verbal memory and executive function were particularly impaired. In a different study published by the AJP, it was found that, as children, bipolar patients tended to have difficulty functioning socially. Despite this, they did not seem to have any issues functioning scholastically. Explanations of Bipolar Disorder In a study of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, it was found that there may be a genetic factor behind bipolar disorder. First-degree relatives of someone with bipolar disorder were at an increased risk for also developing the disorder. If one maternal half-sibling was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the other sibling was at a significantly increased risk for developing said disorder. Additionally, children of adopted families were at an increased risk for developing the disorder if their biological parents also had said disorder. Essentially, genes are the basic composition of the body. They control the biochemical aspect of the body which, in turn, controls an individuals behavior. The key biochemical component in bipolar disorder is the functioning of neurotransmitters. Norepinephrine is essentially a mood booster. It increases arousal and is what makes people feel happy. In mania, norepinephrine is over abundant causing the extreme boost of self esteem and optimism. When norepinephrine is too abundant, it can be associated with violent outbursts, which can explain why during mania, bipolar patients are also easily agitated, and psychosis. During depressive episodes though, norepinephrine is lacking causing the individuals mood to be pessimistic; they can also become stoic due to the lack of arousal that would normally come from norepinephrine. Serotonin is also another neurotransmitter found to be scarce during depressive episodes. Positive emotions are demonstrated through activity in the left frontal lobe. An additional finding in bipolar depressive episodes, shown using MRI scans, was that the left frontal lobe was likely to be inactive. Sociocultural Explanations of Bipolar Disorder When discussing the inability to control stress, it seems that gender roles may play a part in the depressive state that comes along with bipolar disorder. Women more often than men suffer from severe suppression, belittling, and the feeling of helplessness. Due to this they may be at more of an effect to stress. Martin Seligman, American Psychologist educator and creator of the Theory of Learned Helplessness, argues that depressive episodes may last longer and be more common among western youth due to an epidemic of helplessness, an incline of individualism, and a decline of commitment to religion or family. He additionally notes that the individualism experienced throughout the western youth creates a feeling of sole responsibility when a negative event occurs, allowing nothing for one to fall back on other than his or herself. These ideas can feed the depressive swings associated with bipolar disorder because the individual feels that they have no metaphorical ladder to help them reach the emotional middle ground. Psychological Explanations of Bipolar Disorder Scientists suspect that the way patients think may play a large role in the reality of their situation. Meaning that, when in a depressed state, the bipolar patient will think in terms of blaming his or herself causing the depression to continue and creating thought processes like I cant do anything right which only contributes to the growth of the depressive episode. David G. Myers, author of Psychology: The 7th Edition, writes that people in depressive episodes tend to explain bad events in terms that are stable (its going to last forever), global (its going to affect everything), and internal (its all my fault) (Myers, 640). This is part of what is believed to keep a bipolar patient in a depressed state, never reaching normalcy, and potentially jumping into mania if and once the abundance of norepinephrine returns. Treatment for Bipolar Disorder When experiencing depressive episodes, there is a lack of norepinephrine and serotonin. Due to this, the use of antidepressants is typically part of the treatment for depressive episodes. Antidepressants such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil aim to block the reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, increasing the existence of both neurotransmitters in the brain. When experiencing episodes of mania, antipsychotic drugs are seemingly useful because they help to block the stimulus to send out norepinephrine to the brain. This combined with the anti-depressants equalizes the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine existing in the brain which creates the middle ground that the patient cannot achieve on their own. Some examples of antipsychotics are olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine. Doctors may also prescribe a mood stabilizer in conjunction with the antidepressant, antipsychotic, or both. Some common mood stabilizers are lithium, carbamazepine, and lamotrigine. Other forms of treatment may include day treatment programs like counseling while one gets his or her symptoms under control. In severe cases where the patient becomes dangerous to his or herself or to others, the doctors may suggest hospitalization. Conclusion While bipolar disorder can be detrimental to an individuals lifestyle, due to modern medicine and therapies there is treatment that can stabilize the mood swings. With medical assistance and counseling patients can typically return to a normal lifestyle. Without medication though, it becomes difficult for the individual to hold jobs regularly, and there is typically issues with social functioning in adolescents and teens. While genealogy, psychology, and sociocultural aspects do play a role in bipolar disorder, the key to controlling the disorder seems to be controlling the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Wanderer And The Tempest Analysis - 1801 Words

The passage of time is intrinsically connected to every aspect of life, as it is the construct through which we understand human experiences and the framework through which we comprehend our existence. The essence and effects of temporality reverberate through narratives; acting as a catalyst for action, or becoming an impediment to the future. Through the response that characters in The Wanderer and The Tempest have towards the transience of time, it becomes clear how these effects echo throughout the narrative, prompting these events into movement, and how they seep throughout every aspect of these texts. There are a seemingly endless assortment of opinions concerning the structure of The Wanderer; every critic has their own†¦show more content†¦Of course this belief also holds much credence through a definite structural and character balance created by following this interpretation. To have a lost man, who has nothing to his name find salvation and comfort in the authors religion and eventually gain wisdom from nothing but this is a powerful point. Wita sceal geà ¾yldig, ne sceal no to hatheort ne to hrà ¦dwyrde, ne to wac wiga ne to wanhydig, ne to forht ne to fà ¦gen, ne to feohgifre ne nà ¦fre gielpes to georn, à ¦r he geare cunne. (65b-69b) In lines 65b-69b we read a list of rules that a warrior must abide in to become clear in sight. A wise man must be patient, He must never be too impulsive nor too hasty of speech, nor too weak a warrior (65b-69b) The Wanderer, by speaking of all his pains, is going against what his society tells him is acceptable to be wise. Huppà © argues that â€Å"the wanderer utters his sorrow but retains his dignity through the anonymity which the impersonal discourse gives his personal expression of grief.† Huppà © would argue that the reasoning behind this change from personal to impersonal discourse allows the Wanderer a separation from his own problems, treating his own laments as the laments of all, allowing him to feel content that he may still be clear sighted in the face of his tribulations. While it is entirely possible thatShow MoreRelatedIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 Pagespalatalized consonant. It is not, however, a conclusive argument against the /b/ plus /y/ interpretation, for it can be argued that only the first consonant of a cluster is reduplicated. 3. The palatalized consonant solution draws a parallel with the analysis of kw, gw, etc., as single labialized consonant s. But their behaviour is not parallel; thus á »â€¹kwà   (to push) has the imperative kwà  a (and not *kà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨a) and the gerund à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤kwà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨kwà   (and not *à ²Ã¯â‚¬ ¤kà ¹Ã¯â‚¬ ¨kwà  ). Again, this is not an argument against the cluster interpretation

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

APPLICATIONS OF SILICON Essay Example For Students

APPLICATIONS OF SILICON Essay Applications of SiliconSilicon is one of mans most useful elements. In the form of sand and clay it is used to make concrete and brick; it is a useful refractory material for high-temperature work, and in the form of silicates it is used in making enamels, pottery, etc. Silica, as sand, is a principal ingredient of glass, one of the most inexpensive of materials with excellent mechanical, optical, thermal and electrical properties. Hyperpure silicon can be doped with boron, gallium, phosphorus, or arsenic to produce silicon for use in transistors, solar cells, rectifiers, and other solid-state devices, which are used extensively in the electronics and space-age industries. Though silicon was originally discovered in 1810 and thought to be a compound silicon was discovered as an element in 1823 by Jons Berzelius. In 1824 Berzelius prepared amorphous silicon by the same general method and purified the product by removing the fluosilicates by repeated washings. Deville in 1854 first pre pared crystalline silicon, the second allotropic form of the element. Davy in1800 thought silica to be a compound and not an element; later in 1811, Gay Lussac and Thenard probably prepared impure amorphous silicon by heating potassium with silicon tetrafluoride. Silicon is a metalloid at room temperature with an atomic number of 14, 14 electrons, 14 neutrons, and an average atomic mass of 28.0855. In its pure form,silicon melts at 2,570 degrees, and boils at 4,271 degrees Fahrenheit. This element belongs to the metalloid family, the 14th family on the periodic table of elements. This element is a solid metalloid at room temperature and turns to liquid at 2,570 degrees. Silicon is prepared as a brown amorphous powder or as gray-black crystals. Crystalline silicon has a metallic luster and grayish color. It is hard, non-magnetic, and most acids do not effect it, but it does dissolve in hydrofluoric acid, forming the gas, silicon tetrafluoride, SiF 4. At ordinary temperatures silicon is impervious to air, but at high temperatures it reacts with oxygen, forming a layer of silica that does not react further. At high temperatures it also reacts with nitrogen and chlorine to form silicon nitride and silicon chloride, respectively. Elemental silicon transmits more than 95% of all wavelengths of infrared, from 1.3 to 6.y micro-m. Silicon is present in the soil and makes up about 25.7% of the earths crust. Silicon also promotes firmness and strength in human tissues. It is part of the arteries, tendons, skin, connective tissue, and eyes. This mineral is also present with the chondroitin sulfates of cartilage, and it works with calcium to help restore bones. Silicon is also thought to radiate or transmit energy in its crystalline structure, as in quartz crystal. It is thought by some to be able to deeply penetrate the tissues and help to clear stored toxins. Research shows silicon is important to plant and animal life. Results of studies on animals suggest that silicon may be essential to humans. This mineral is able to form long molecules, much the same as is carbon, and gives these complex configurations some durability and strength. It represents about 0.05 percent of our body weight. Silicon is present in the sun and stars and is the second most abundant element, being exceeded only by oxygen. Silicon is not found free in nature, but occurs chiefly as the oxide and as silicates. Sand, quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, agate, flint, jasper, and opal are some of the forms in which the oxide appears. Granite, hornblende, asbestos, feldspar, clay, mica, etc. are but a few of the numerous silicate minerals. Silicon is prepared commercially by heating silica and carbon in an electric furnace, using carbon electrodes. Several other methods can be used for preparing the element. Amorphous silicon can be prepared as a brown powder, which can be easily melted or vaporized. The Czochralski process is commonly used to produce single crystals of silicon used for solid-state or semiconductor devices. Hyperpure silicon can be prepared by the thermal decomposition of ultra-pure trichlorosilane in a hydrogen atmosphere, and by a vacuum float zone process.